YMCA Afterschool Childcare is designed to help kids in every community succeed developmentally and academically. At the Y, kids are cultivating the values, skills, and relationships that lead to improved achievement in the classroom, positive behaviors, and social skills.
The Y provides a safe and fun place for kids to go, so that parents can work or study. Children have options to explore and develop their interests and talents. Our flexible schedule allows each child to choose what they want to do. We offer quiet spaces and support for students to work on their homework Monday through Thursday afternoons.
Students in Afterschool Childcare will engage in the following activities:
Academic/Homework Support
Exploration and Play (sports, games, physical activity)
Creative Arts
STEM Learning
Social Emotional Learning (SEL)
Haga clic AQUÍ para obtener más información en español.
Hours of Operation
Our Afterschool program is open each day from school dismissal until 6:00 p.m. A late fee is charged per child picked up after the last pickup time. The late fee is $5 for the first 10 minutes past pickup time and $1 for each additional minute after that.
Dates of Operation
August 8, 2024 – May 22, 2025
*The program will not operate during emergency early release days or temporary school closures.
Students in grades K-8th
Cost (2024/2025 school year)
$216 per month per child
*Please note our monthly rate is based on a yearly rate, and months with shorter weeks are not prorated.
Program fees are calculated based on approved school calendars – fees are not prorated for scheduled school holidays, teacher work days, or general absences. Our monthly rate is based on a weekly rate x 36 weeks of school divided into 10 equal monthly payments. Afterschool payments are made using a monthly bank draft. Payments are due on the 1st of the month.
Financial Assistance
The YMCA of Greater Birmingham is committed to ensuring everyone has the opportunity to learn, grow, and thrive regardless of their ability to pay full fees. Financial Assistance removes financial barriers to accessing Y facilities, programs, and services. Awards are given on a first-come-first-come basis. To apply, please click HERE. If your family has previously been approved for YMCA Financial Assistance for membership or another program please contact us at childcare@ymcabham.org.
There is a $79 registration fee plus a $75 deposit due at the time of registration. The $75 deposit will be applied to your first month. Registration fees are non-refundable. Deposits are refundable if they are canceled at least two weeks in advance. Click on your child’s school below to register. Click HERE for instructions on how to register.
Edgewood Elementary
Hall-Kent Elementary
Homewood Middle
Shades Cahaba Elementary
Cancellation Policy
If a parent wishes to cancel any month or week of Afterschool Childcare, a two (2) week advance written notice is required. No refunds or credits will be issued for requests not meeting the 2-week notice, and the monthly/weekly balance will be considered due. Please email our Member Account Service team at childcare@ymcabham.org to submit cancellations.
The Y requires continuous registration for the entire school year to maintain a spot in the program. The YMCA cannot accommodate requests for temporary breaks in service/payment during the school year. Requests to cancel an Afterschool Care service period will cancel all future service periods/months remaining in the school year beyond the 2-week required notification. If parents choose to cancel under these terms, they may re-register when ready to return to the program as space allows.
Briana Williams | Area Youth Development Director | bwilliams@ymcabham.org
Account and Billing Questions | childcare@ymcabham.org
School | Site Director | Email Address |
Edgewood Elementary | Laura Bollinger | lbollinger@ymcabham.org |
Hall-Kent Elementary | Irelyn Uzoaru | iuzoaru@ymcabham.org |
Homewood Middle School | Matilda Easterbrook | measterbrook@ymcabham.org |
Shades Cahaba Elementary | Yunitka Enge | yenge@ymcabham.org |
*Please always copy your school’s area director when emailing your Site Directors.
Hours of Operation
Our Afterschool program is open each day from school dismissal until 6:00 p.m. A late fee is charged per child picked up after the last pickup time. The late fee is $5 for the first 10 minutes past pickup time and $1 for each additional minute thereafter.
Dates of Operation
August 12, 2024- May 22, 2025
Please note our start date is the Monday AFTER school starts this school year. *The program will not operate during emergency early release days or temporary school closures.
Students in grades K-5th
Students enrolled in 1st Class PreK are eligible to attend. Pre-K children are only eligible to attend afterschool care during the school year due to DHR regulations.
Cost (2024-2025 school year)
►$292 per month per child; $267 each additional child
Program fees are calculated based on approved school calendars – fees are not prorated for scheduled school holidays, teacher work days, or general absences. Our monthly rate is based on a weekly rate x 36 weeks of school divided into 10 equal monthly payments. Afterschool payments are made using a monthly bank draft. Payments are due on the 1st of the month.
Financial Assistance
The YMCA of Greater Birmingham is committed to ensuring everyone has the opportunity to learn, grow, and thrive regardless of their ability to pay full fees. Financial Assistance removes financial barriers to accessing Y facilities, programs, and services. Awards are given on a first-come-first-come basis. To apply, please click HERE. If your family has previously been approved for YMCA Financial Assistance for membership or another program please contact us at childcare@ymcabham.org.
There is a $79 registration fee plus a $75 deposit due at the time of registration. The $75 deposit will be applied to your first month. Registration fees are non-refundable. Deposits are refundable if they are canceled at least two weeks in advance. Click on your child’s school/grade to register. Click HERE for instructions on how to register.
Cancellation Policy
If a parent wishes to cancel any month or week of Afterschool Childcare, two (2) weeks’ advance written notice is required. No refunds or credits will be issued for requests not meeting the two-week notice, and the monthly/weekly balance will be considered due. Please email our Member Account Service team at childcare@ymcabham.org to submit cancellations.
The Y requires continuous registration for the entire School Year to maintain a spot in the program. The YMCA cannot accommodate requests for temporary breaks in service/payment during the school year. Requests to cancel a service period of Afterschool Care will cancel all future service periods/months remaining in the school year beyond the 2-week required notification. If parents choose to cancel under these terms, they may re-register when they are ready to return to the program as space allows.
Gabby Tyson | Area Director | gtyson@ymcabham.org
serving: Riverchase and Greystone
Wendy Ayers | Area Director | wayers@ymcabham.org
serving: Brock’s Gap, Deer Valley, Green Valley, Gwin, South Shades Crest, Trace Crossings
Briana Williams | Area Director | bwilliams@ymcabham.org
serving: Bluff Park, Homewood Schools
Jailyn Hale | Area Director | jhale@ymcabham.org
serving: Rocky Ridge, Shades Mountain, Trussville Schools
School Site Director Email Address Area Director
Bluff Park
Amber Largo alargo@ymcabham.org Bre Williams
Brock's Gap Chaz Zanaty czanaty@ymcabham.org Wendy Ayers
Deer Valley Wendy Ayers wayers@ymcabham.org Wendy Ayers
Green Valley Ben Gleason bgleason@ymcabham.org Wendy Ayers
Greystone Olivia Beckman obeckman@ymcabham.org Gabby Tyson
Gwin Jordan Montgomery jmontgomery@ymcabham.org Wendy Ayers
Riverchase Eanjle Browder ebrowder@ymcabham.org Gabby Tyson
Rocky Ridge Java Lacey jlacey@ymcabham.org Jailyn Hale
Shades Mountain Kiara Dobbins kdobbins@ymcabham.org Jailyn Hale
South Shades Crest Chyna Mordican cmordican@ymcabham.org Wendy Ayers
Trace Crossings Genesis Aquirre gaquirre@ymcabham.org Wendy Ayers
*Please always copy the Area Director when emailing Site Directors.
Billing & Online Account Questions: childcare@ymcabham.org
Temporary Location
First Baptist Church of Zion City
1104 Gene Reed Road
Birmingham, AL 35235
Hours of Operation
Our Afterschool program is open each day from school dismissal until 6:00 p.m. A late fee is charged per child picked up after the last pickup time. The late fee is $5 for the first 10 minutes past pickup time and $1 for each additional minute thereafter.
Dates of Operation
Birmingham City Schools | August 5, 2024 – May 30, 2024
Jefferson County Schools | August 8, 2024 – May 22, 2024
*The program will not operate during emergency early release days or temporary school closures.
Students in grades K-8
Cost (2024-25 school year)
$56 per child per week
Payments will be made through a draft system, and payment is due Friday before the week of service. Program fees are calculated based on approved school calendars – fees are not prorated for scheduled school holidays, teacher work days, or general absences.
We accept Childcare Central. Please contact us at childcare@ymcabham.org for information on how to register.
Financial Assistance
The YMCA of Greater Birmingham is committed to ensuring everyone has the opportunity to learn, grow, and thrive regardless of their ability to pay full fees. Financial Assistance removes financial barriers to accessing Y facilities, programs, and services. Awards are given on a first-come-first-come basis. To apply, please click HERE. If your family has previously been approved for YMCA Financial Assistance for membership or another program please contact us at childcare@ymcabham.org.
A $25 registration fee per child is due at the time of registration. Registration fees are non-refundable. Click on your child’s school to register. Click HERE for instructions on how to register.
Centerpoint Elementary
Chalkville Elementary
Cornerstone Middle
Erwin Intermediate
Huffman Academy
Huffman Middle
Martha Gaskins
Sun Valley
Smith Middle
WJ Christian
Cancellation Policy
If a parent wishes to cancel any month or week of Afterschool Academy, Two (2) Weeks’ advance written notice is required. No refunds or credits will be issued for requests not meeting the two-week notice, and the monthly/weekly balance will be considered due. Please email our Member Account Service team at childcare@ymcabham.org to submit cancellations.
Due to limited bus capacity, the Y requires continuous registration for the entire School Year to maintain a spot in the program. The YMCA cannot accommodate requests for temporary breaks in service/payment during the school year. Requests to cancel a service period of Afterschool Care will cancel all future service periods/months remaining in the school year beyond the 2-week required notification. If parents choose to cancel under these terms, they may re-register when ready to return to the program as space allows.
General Information: Micah Hudson | mhudson@ymcabham.org
Billing & Online Account Questions: childcare@ymcabham.org
Hours of Operation
Our Afterschool program is open each day from school dismissal until 6:00 p.m. A late fee is charged per child picked up after the last pickup time. The late fee is $5 for the first 10 minutes past pickup time and $1 for each additional minute thereafter.
Dates of Operation
Pelham City Schools | August 8, 2024 – May 22, 2025
The program will not operate on emergency early release days or during temporary school closures.
Students in grades K-5
Cost (2024/25 school year)
YMCA Members | $199/month
Non-Members | $287/month
Program fees are calculated based on approved school calendars – fees are not prorated for scheduled school holidays, teacher work days, or general absences. Our monthly rate is based on a weekly rate x 36 weeks of school divided into 10 equal monthly payments. Afterschool payments are made using a monthly bank draft. Payments are due on the 1st of the month.
Financial Assistance
The YMCA of Greater Birmingham is committed to ensuring everyone has the opportunity to learn, grow, and thrive regardless of their ability to pay full fees. Financial Assistance removes financial barriers to accessing Y facilities, programs, and services. Awards are given on a first-come-first-come basis. To apply, please click HERE. If your family has previously been approved for YMCA Financial Assistance for membership or another program please contact us at childcare@ymcabham.org.
There is a $79 registration fee plus a $75 deposit due at the time of registration. The $75 deposit will be applied to your first month. Registration fees are non-refundable, but deposits are refundable if canceled at least two weeks in advance. Click on your child’s school to register. Click HERE for instructions on how to register.
Cancellation Policy
If a parent wishes to cancel any month or week of Afterschool Childcare, two (2) weeks’ advance written notice is required. No refunds or credits will be issued for requests not meeting the two-week notice, and the monthly/weekly balance will be considered due. Please email our Member Account Service team at childcare@ymcabham.org to submit cancellations.
Due to limited bus capacity, the Y requires continuous registration for the entire School Year to maintain a spot in the program. The YMCA cannot accommodate requests for temporary breaks in service/payment during the school year. Requests to cancel a service period of Afterschool Care will cancel all future service periods/months remaining in the school year beyond the 2-week required notification. If parents cancel under these terms, they may re-register when ready to return to the program as space allows.
Family Life Director: Gabby Tyson | gtyson@ymcabham.org
Billing & Online Account Questions: childcare@ymcabham.org
Hours of Operation
Our Afterschool program is open each day from school dismissal until 6:00 p.m. A late fee is charged per child picked up after the last pickup time. The late fee is $5 for the first 10 minutes past pickup time and $1 for each additional minute thereafter.
Dates of Operation
August 7, 2024 – May 22, 2025
*The program will not operate on emergency early release days or school holidays.
Students in grades K-5th
Cost (2024-2025 school year)
$199 per child per month
$174 for each additional child per month
Program fees are calculated based on approved school calendars – fees are not prorated for scheduled school holidays, teacher work days, or general absences. Our monthly rate is based on a weekly rate x 36 weeks of school divided into 10 equal monthly payments. Afterschool payments are made using a monthly bank draft. Payments are due on the 1st of the month.
Financial Assistance
The YMCA of Greater Birmingham is committed to ensuring everyone has the opportunity to learn, grow, and thrive regardless of their ability to pay full fees. Financial Assistance removes financial barriers to accessing Y facilities, programs, and services. Awards are given on a first-come-first-come basis. To apply, please click HERE. If your family has previously been approved for YMCA Financial Assistance for membership or another program please contact us at childcare@ymcabham.org.
There is a $49 registration fee plus a $75 deposit due at the time of registration. The $75 deposit will be applied to your first month. Registration fees are non-refundable, but deposits are refundable if they are canceled at least two weeks in advance. Click on your child’s school to register. Click HERE for instructions on how to register.
Cahaba Elementary
Magnolia Elementary
Paine Elementary
Cancellation Policy
If a parent wishes to cancel any month or week of Afterschool Childcare, two (2) weeks’ advance written notice is required. No refunds or credits will be issued for requests not meeting the two-week notice, and the monthly/weekly balance will be considered due. Please email our Member Account Service team at childcare@ymcabham.org to submit cancellations.
Due to limited bus capacity, the Y requires continuous registration for the entire School Year to maintain a spot in the program. The YMCA cannot accommodate requests for temporary breaks in service/payment during the school year. Requests to cancel a service period of Afterschool Care will cancel all future service periods/months remaining in the school year beyond the 2-week required notification. If parents choose to cancel under these terms, they may re-register when ready to return to the program as space allows.
Area Director | Jailyn Hale | jhale@ymcabham.org
School Site Director Email Address
Cahaba Elementary Savannah Griffith sgriffith@ymcabham.org
Magnolia Elementary Ashlan Cantrell acantrell@ymcabham.org
Paine Elementary Lindsey Battles lbattles@ymcabham.org
*Please always copy your school’s area director when emailing your Site Directors.
Billing & Online Account Questions: childcare@ymcabham.org
Hours of Operation
Our Afterschool program is open each day from school dismissal until 6:00 p.m. A late fee is charged per child picked up after the last pickup time. The late fee is $5 for the first 10 minutes past pickup time and $1 for each additional minute thereafter.
Dates of Operation
Birmingham City Schools | August 5, 2024 – June 4, 2025
*The program will not operate on emergency early release days or during temporary school closures.
Students in grades K-8
Cost (2024-25 school year)
$56 per child per week
Payments will be made through a draft system, and payment is due Friday before the week of service. Program fees are calculated based on approved school calendars – fees are not prorated for scheduled school holidays, teacher work days, or general absences.
We accept Childcare Central. Please contact us at childcare@ymcabham.org for information on how to register.
Financial Assistance
The YMCA of Greater Birmingham is committed to ensuring everyone has the opportunity to learn, grow, and thrive regardless of their ability to pay full fees. Financial Assistance removes financial barriers to accessing Y facilities, programs, and services. Awards are given on a first-come-first-come basis. To apply, please click HERE. If your family has previously been approved for YMCA Financial Assistance for membership or another program please contact us at childcare@ymcabham.org.
A $25 registration fee per child is due at the time of registration. Registration fees are non-refundable. Click on your child’s school to register. Click HERE for instructions on how to register.
Glen Iris Elementary
Epic Elementary
Phillips Academy
Cancellation Policy
If a parent wishes to cancel any month or week of Afterschool Childcare, two (2) weeks’ advance written notice is required. No refunds or credits will be issued for requests not meeting the two-week notice, and the monthly/weekly balance will be considered due. Please email our Member Account Service team at childcare@ymcabham.org to submit cancellations.
Due to limited bus capacity, the Y requires continuous registration for the entire School Year to maintain a spot in the program. The YMCA cannot accommodate requests for temporary breaks in service/payment during the school year. Requests to cancel a service period of Afterschool Care will cancel all future service periods/months remaining in the school year beyond the 2-week required notification. If parents choose to cancel under these terms, they may re-register when they are ready to return to the program as space allows.
General Information: Kawanna Brickler | kbrickler@ymcabham.org
Billing & Online Account Questions: childcare@ymcabham.org