
Alabama YMCA Youth in Government

Alabama’s oldest program for engaging youth in civic responsibility using our legislative and judicial branches of government as the model.

Youth Center: (205) 324-1643
2400 7th Avenue North Birmingham, AL 35203
Terri Harvill tharvill@ymcabham.org

Camp Cosby Teen Retreat

Connect with Cosby Friends and enjoy time together at your home away from home.

Teen Retreat Details

This is a time for teens to take a break and refocus. The program will encourage teens to cultivate their leadership style and gain confidence. They will enjoy time together and also experience many exciting camp activities. All teens will learn employment skills and life skills.

Teens interested in Camp Cosby’s summer leadership programs will learn how to become a Leader in Training or Counselor in Training (CIT). Teens will have the opportunity to learn about summer employment at Camp Cosby and teen programming with the YMCA of Greater Birmingham.


Community Service Club

Whether you are looking for community service hours to boost your resume or to just give back to the community, the Greystone YMCA has you covered.  Join our Community Service Club happening on select Saturday during the school year.

7th-12 grade students

Dates, Time, Volunteer Location
March | 9:30am-1:30pm | Exceptional Foundation: Assisting with 19th Annual Chili Cookoff

Free, open to all

How to participate?
Participants will register online for the session and should arrive at the YMCA the day of the event at the specified time.  Participants will be transported to the service site in a YMCA 14 passenger bus with an approved driver and chaperone while providing the community service activity.

Contact Amy Rimmer for more information at arimmer@ymcabham.org


Summer Camp Teen Volunteers

The YMCA’s Teen Leadership programs are a hallmark. We believe this is the age to join your peers and experience opportunities to deepen your interests and understanding of the importance of becoming a leader.

Teens who have completed 8th grade can apply to volunteer at one of our many day camps this summer. Volunteering at day camp teaches teens how to work with children, helps them learn important job skills, and helps prepare them for the future.

Applications for the 2024 Camp season are now open! To receive the link to apply, please email your preferred branch below!  Spots are limited.

Locations and Contact Information
Alabaster YMCA | Carolyn Abbott | cabbott@ymcabham.org
Greystone YMCA | Amy Rimmer | arimmer@ymcabham.org
Hoover YMCA | Joy Mann | jmann@ymcabham.org
Pelham YMCA | Gabby Tyson | gtyson@ymcabham.org
Shades Valley YMCA  |Tiffany Voss | tvoss@ymcabham.org
Trussville YMCA | Fred Hatcher| fhatcher@ymcabham.org

Teen Nights

A night just for Teens to take over the Y! Select facilities will be open to teens to have fun, go swimming, dance, play games, and hang out with friends. They will enjoy open programming while still under the supervision of our trained staff. Pizza, drink, and concession are available.

Teens (ages vary by branch)

Locations offered
Mountain Brook
Shades Valley

Dates and Times
Varies by location.  Click “register” button below for more information.

2023 Cost
YMCA Members |  $2.00
Non-Members | $8.00

How to register – Registration opens two weeks before each event. Online registration is required for each event. Please click the “register” button below to view each location’s dates and times. Click HERE for instructions on how to register.

Alabaster | Addison Davis | adavis@ymcabham.org
Greystone | Chevelle Lee | clee@ymcabham.org
Hoover | Joy Mann | jmann@ymcabham.org
Mountain Brook | Sharon Moon | smoon@ymcabham.org
Pelham | Gabby Tyson | gtyson@ymcabham.org
Shades Valley YMCA  | Josiah Hodge | jhodge@ymcabham.org
Trussville | Fred Hatcher | fhatcher@ymcabham.org

Y Achievers

The Y Achievers program is a national college readiness program designed to help teens set and pursue educational and career goals, raise their academic standards, develop a positive sense of self, explore diverse college and career options and connect them to professionals that inspire them to reach their potential.

YMCA Youth Centers (serving Downtown and Roebuck)
On-Site School Locations: Erwin Middle School, Rutledge Middle School, Cooper Green House Authority, Ramsey High School, Parker High School

Contact | Terri Harvill |  tharvill@ymcabham.org



Y Leaders Club

Leaders Club is a year-long leadership-development program for middle and high school teens.  This program provides teens with extensive leadership training and volunteer opportunities that support YMCA programs and services to the community. In addition to teaching teens leadership through service, Leaders Club advisors introduce teens to all the work the Y does to strengthen community and inspire and prepare teens to become future Y leaders.

Locations offered (ages 12-18)

Alabaster YMCA | Thursdays at 5:30 pm (begins Feb. 15)

Greystone YMCA | Tuesdays at 6pm

Hoover YMCA | Every other Thursday at 6:30pm (begins Feb. 15)
Trussville YMCA | Every other Thursday each month at 6pm

Downtown Youth Center | Once per month on Saturdays at 10am

Cost | $25 one-time application fee

Note that teens must first meet with their branch or youth center Teen Leader Champion before beginning the program. For questions and to get started with a brief application, email your Teen Leader Champion!

  • Greystone – Jonathon Blazer | jblazer@ymcabham.org
  • Hoover – Joy Mann | jmann@ymcabham.org
  • Alabaster – Addison Davis | adavis@ymcabham.org
  • Trussville – Fred Hatcher | fhatcher@ymcabham.org
  • Youth Center – Kawanna Brickler | kbrickler@ymcabham.org