Our mission at the YMCA of Greater Birmingham is to put Judeo-Christian principles into practice through programs that build healthy spirit, mind, and body for all.
We exist to provide inclusive programs and services to the entire community which promote youth development, healthy living, and social responsibility
Promote a just society through inclusive programs and services which value the uniqueness of our community, members, and staff
Enhance physical, intellectual, and spiritual strength by providing exceptional facilities and programs that promote physical fitness, healthier decisions, family well-being, and a sense of community and service
Offer community integrated health services and research-based programs that mitigate/eliminate barriers to good health
Be a leading child development resource and provider committed to enhancing children’s physical and emotional well-being, strengthening family relationships, and supporting stable employment for parents
Reimagine the Y as a transformational agency, creating safe and affordable neighborhoods supported by programs and services that foster early childhood education, nutrition, and family health
Provide training programs and volunteer service experiences that equip our community’s youth with leadership skills and resources