

Youth Sports

Volunteer Coaches

Volunteers are an integral part of the YMCA Youth Sports Program. To be frank – we can’t do it without you! From coaching to team communication and coordination, we need people just like you to help us teach sportsmanship, teamwork, and game fundamentals. Do you not feel like an expert in your child’s favorite sport? No problem at all! We’ve done this for over 150 years and have many resources to share to help you feel more comfortable.

The YMCA of Greater Birmingham has zero tolerance for abuse and will not tolerate the mistreatment or abuse of consumers in its programs. Any mistreatment or abuse by an employee or volunteer will result in disciplinary action, including termination of employment or volunteer service and cooperation with law enforcement.

To ensure the safety of all children in our programs, all volunteer coaches must complete the following before being assigned to a team:

1. Complete Application
2. Interview
3. Reference Checks
4. Background Check (completed every 2 years)
5. Child Abuse Prevention Training (annually)
6. Safe Sports Training (annually)
7. CDC Concussion Training (annually)
8. Signed Code of Conduct and Abuse Prevention Policies and Procedures

Scroll through to see Youth Sports Programming and Leagues traditionally provided by the Y.


2025 Winter Season in Progress – Registration Now Closed.

In this recreational youth basketball league, players learn the fundamentals of basketball, sportsmanship, teamwork and healthy habits while sharpening skills, practicing drills and having fun. They will learn basketball skills like dribbling, shooting, and defense.

Questions, contact:

Alabaster, Hoover, Pelham, Youth Center & Northeast: Jennifer Weems
Greystone: Michelle Varnell
Shades Valley: Josiah Hodge
Trussville: Fred Hatcher
Interested in becoming a volunteer coach? Click HERE.

Click below to register at your desired branch!


Our new YMCA Cheerleading Squad will be cheer for our new Flag Football League.

Cheerleading at the Y teaches confidence, responsibility, teamwork and unity. When joining our program, your child will learn new cheerleading skills, create lifetime bonds and increase self awareness. YMCA cheerleading programs are designed to give a full work out while improving flexibility, coordination, balance and strength.

Ages | 5-7
Cost | $84 Members; $168 Non Members
Registration | Opens Feb. 10
Location | Shades Cahaba Elementary School field
Practice | Tuesdays or Thursdays beginning April 1; parents can select which practice time they prefer
First Game | Saturdays beginning April 19
Last Game | May 17

Flag Football

Flag Football for Kids is an introductory program for children aged 5-7, designed to prepare them for organized flag football in a fun, non-threatening environment. Using age-appropriate equipment, it teaches basic skills like throwing, catching, running, and agility, helping children and parents get ready for organized sports without the pressure of competition or fear of injury. There is no tackling and all kids will be placed on a team and coached by a vetted volunteer coach.

Ages | 5-7
Cost | $84 Members; $168 Non Members
Registration | Opens Feb. 10
Location | Shades Cahaba Elementary School field
Practice | Tuesdays or Thursdays beginning April 1; parents can select which practice
First Game | Saturdays beginning April 19
Last Game | May 17

NHL Street Hockey

Check back for details!


NHL STREET™ is designed to provide kids and their families the best of what youth sports can be: having fun, staying active, making friends, and creating great memories. That’s why the NHL is inviting you to join a local street hockey league where kids of all skill levels can learn and play.

When you join NHL STREET™, you can expect a fast-paced game that teaches teamwork, creativity, and resilience. Created with parents in mind, we’re ensuring the pressure, schedules, and costs typically associated with hockey (and other youth sports) are kept in check.

All levels welcome! Equipment is provided by the YMCA.


Skills Clinics & Fitness

Skills Clinics


Clinics are geared to help athletes develop sport-specific skills. YMCA trained staff and coaches lead players in drills and games designed to develop the fundamental skills required for the sport. Participants are sure to improve on skills, make new friends and have fun. A YMCA clinic is a great lead-up for participating in a class or league setting.


Youth Volleyball Clinic (two age groups available 7-10 and 11-14)

Ages | 7-10

Day & Time | Mondays and Wednesdays; 6pm-7pm – 4 week clinic

Dates | March 10 – April 9
Cost | $100 Members; $125 Non-Members
**There will be no clinic during Spring Break from March 24-March 28
Click HERE for more information and registration

Ages | 11-14

Day & Time | Mondays and Wednesdays; 7pm-8pm – 4 week clinic

Dates | March 10 – April 9
Cost | $100 Members; $125 Non-Members

**There will be no clinic during Spring Break from March 24-March 28

Click HERE for more information and registration



Youth Volleyball Clinic (ages 5-14)

Location | Greystone

Ages | 5-18

Day & Time | Wednesdays; 5:30-6:30pm

Cost | $49 Members; $98 Non-Members

Click HERE for more information and registration


Youth Pickleball Clinic  – (ages 8-14)

Ages | 8-14

Day & Time | Thursdays; 5:30-6:30pm

Cost | $49 Members; $98 Non-Members

Click HERE for more information and registration



Tennis Clinics (TWO age groups available: ages 5-7 and ages 7-10) 

Tennis Clinic (5-7)

Day & Time | Wednesday; 3:30pm-4:15pm
Cost | $105 Members; $210 Non-Members
Click HERE for more information and registration

Tennis Clinic (7-10)

Day & Time | Thursday; 4:30pm-5:30pm
Cost | $140 Members; $280 Non-Members
Click HERE for more information and registration


Football/Volleyball Strength and Conditioning Training (11-14)

Start Date | February 24
Day & Time | Mondays 5:15pm-6:15pm and Wednesdays 5:15pm-6:15pm
Cost | $125 Members; $195 Non-Members
Click HERE for more information and registration

Strength & Conditioning for Ballet Dancers (11-14)

Start Date | February 24
Day & Time | Wednesdays 4:15pm-5:15pm
Cost | $125 Members; $195 Non-Members
Click HERE for more information and registration


Basketball Clinics – ages vary

Location | Trussville
Day & Time | Varies by age group (ages 7-8, 9-10, 11-14)
Cost | $42 Members; $84 Non-Members
Click HERE for more information and registration

Youth Volleyball Clinic (two age groups available 8-10 and 11-14)

Ages | 8-10

Day & Time | Wednesdays; 7pm-7:45pm

Dates | February 26 – April 9
Cost | $49 Members; $98 Non-Members

Click HERE for more information and registration

| 11-14

Day & Time | Wednesdays; 6pm-6:45pm

Dates | February 26 – April 9
Cost | $49 Members; $98 Non-Members

Click HERE for more information and registration


Fitness Clinics


Youth Fitness Classes and Clinics allow all youth, regardless of their current activity level, to improve their muscle strength, enhance their motor coordination, and gain confidence in their ability to be physically active.

Fitness Clinics, Youth Strength Training and Classes for all Ages By Location


Y Strength and Speed (8-14)

Start Date | January 10
Day & Time | Friday; 5:30pm – 6:30pm
Cost | $39 Members; $78 Non-Members
Click HERE for more information and registration


Fitness Fundamentals lvl I (9-12)

Start Date | January 7
Day & Time | Tuesdays;4pm-4:45pm
Cost | $59 Members; $108 Non-Members
Click HERE for more information and registration

Fitness Fundamentals lvl II (13-15)

Start Date | January 7
Day & Time | Tuesdays;5pm-5:45pm
Cost | $59 Members; $108 Non-Members
Click HERE for more information and registration

Strength Training lvl I (9-12)

Start Date | January 6
Day & Time | Mondays;6:30pm-7:30pm
Cost | $59 Members; $108 Non-Members
Click HERE for more information and registration

Strength Training lvl II (13-15)

Start Date | January 6
Day & Time | Mondays;7:30pm-8:30pm
Cost | $59 Members; $108 Non-Members
Click HERE for more information and registration

Speed & Agility lvl I (9-12)

Start Date | January 8
Day & Time | Wednesdays;6:30pm-7:30pm
Cost | $59 Members; $108 Non-Members
Click HERE for more information and registration

Speed & Agility lvl II (13-15)

Start Date | January 8
Day & Time | Wednesdays;7:30pm-8:30pm
Cost | $59 Members; $108 Non-Members
Click HERE for more information and registration

Homeschool Fitness Class lvl I (5-8)

Start Date | January 10
Day & Time | Fridays;10:15am-11am
Cost | $59 Members; $108 Non-Members
Click HERE for more information and registration

Homeschool Fitness Class lvl II (9-12)

Start Date | January 10
Day & Time | Wednesdays;11am-12pm
Cost | $59 Members; $108 Non-Members
Click HERE for more information and registration


Homeschool PE (5-11)

Start Date | January 7
Day & Time | Tuesday; 1:30pm – 2:30pm
Cost | $0 Members; $39 Non-Members
Click HERE for more information and registration

Strength Development & Training – Level 1 (9-13)

Start Date | January 7
Day & Time | Tuesday; 5:45pm – 6:45pm
Cost | $39 Members; $78 Non-Members
Click HERE for more information and registration

Learn & Lift Challenge (12-16)

Start Date | January 11
Day & Time | Saturday; 11am – 12pm
Cost | $39 Members; $78 Non-Members
Click HERE for more information and registration


KidFit (7-11)

Start Date | January 7
Day & Time | Tuesday; 5:45pm – 6:30pm
Cost | $49 Members; $98 Non-Members
Click HERE for more information and registration

Youth Strength Training – Level 1 (11-14)

Start Date | January 9
Day & Time | Thursday; 5:45pm – 6:45pm
Cost | $49 Members; $98 Non-Members
Click HERE for more information and registration


Youth Strength Training  (11-14)

Start Date | January 6
Day & Time | Monday; 5:30pm – 6:15pm
Cost | $42 Members; $84 Non-Members
Click HERE for more information and registration

To see all sports and fitness clinics click HERE. To view clinics by location, select your preferred branch below. 


Tennis – Year Round

With 21 clay courts and 3 indoor courts in the Birmingham Metro area, the YMCA offers a variety of tennis programming with opportunities for juniors to play and participate in one of the healthiest lifetime sports available.

Our USPTA certified tennis professionals offer instructional programs for every level. Looking to get in the game? We offer private lessons, junior clinics, leagues and tournament opportunities at our three tennis locations.

Contact our Tennis Professionals for More Information:
Greystone : Steven Faulkner
Mountain Brook: Joey Unkenholz

Soccer Leagues

In our Youth Soccer League, young kids have the opportunity to learn game fundamentals, basic rules and the joy of playing on a team! Our soccer leagues are family friendly! There are no try-outs. Every player is placed on a team and every child will play. All of our teams are coached by caring and vetted volunteers.

Ages | 3-6 Co-ed
Locations | Alabaster and Pelham YMCAs
Registration Opens | February 17
Registration Closes | March 7
1st Week of Practice | Week of April 13
First Game | Saturday, May 1
Last Game | Saturday, May 29
Cost | Members – $84; Non-members $168

Game days will be Thursday evenings. Game locations will rotate each week between the Pelham and Alabaster YMCA locations.

For 3/4 year olds only:
Week 1 and Week 2 will be practices only.
When games start, it will be a combined practice and game day. On Thursday evening, you will have a 30 minute practice, immediately followed by a 30 minute game.

5/6 year olds:
You will have a designated practice each week followed by a game on Thursday evenings.

Tiny Tots Sports & Introduction Classes

Tiny Tots

If you are looking for a way for your child ages 3-6 to try out new sports without the commitment to a team, our Tiny Tots-Introduction to Sports Skills program is for your child. Participants will learn good habits such as warming up, organization, teamwork, and an appreciation for the sport. Parent involvement is required for Tiny Tots 3-4 years old.

Introduction Classes

Introductory classes allows children from pre-school to young teens to try new activites in age and level appropriate settings!

Offerings for Tiny Tots and Intro Skills Classes vary by branch.

Winter l | January 2 – February 17

Alabaster | Jazz, Ballet, Tumbling

Greystone | Tumbling

Hoover | Ballet, Tumbling, Twirl, Dance, Cheer, Jazz, Contemporary Dance, Tumbling, Gymnastics

Mountain Brook | Tumbling & Ballet

Trussville | Contemporary Dance, Tumbling, Soccer

Click your preferred branch below.


Volleyball Leagues

In our co-ed recreational league, young players of all skill levels are welcome to join a team! Every player is placed on a team and coached by a volunteer. There are no try-outs and every child plays.

Beginners and experienced players alike will have opportunities to learn fundamentals,  build on their skillsets, become better athletes and teammates, and have fun! Our league is family-friendly: All games are played on Saturdays and parents/guardians can select a preferred practice day at the time of registration!


Ages | 7-16, co-ed
Cost -Branches  | $84 for members; $168 for non-members
Cost – Youth Center | $84
Registration | February 17 – March 7
First Week of practice | Week of April 13
First Game |  May 3
Last Game | May 31

Game Locations:
All games will be played on Saturdays rotating between the following branches:
Alabaster, Greystone, Hoover, Pelham, Shades Valley, Trussville, YMCA Youth Center

*Travel for game days will be required.

Questions, contact:

Alabaster, Hoover, Pelham, Youth Center & Northeast: Jennifer Weems
Greystone: Michelle Varnell
Shades Valley: Josiah Hodge
Trussville: Fred Hatcher
Interested in becoming a volunteer coach? Click HERE.

Volunteer Coaches

Our YMCAs rely on the help of our volunteers to deliver the best experience for our youth in our Sports Youth Leagues. To provide the safest environment for our young players, our volunteer coaches undergo annual background screenings and other required trainings.  If you are interested in being a volunteer coach, please contact Jennifer Weems at