The goal of YGT is to provide a space for new and existing Y MEMBERS to connect, share personal accountability and reach common goals together, through commitment, hard work, consistency and fun.
The 45-minute experience is shared by at least 4 but no more than 8-10 members. Sessions are offered in monthly sign-ups, 2 times per week, 8 sessions per month. By registering, participants commit to the entire month with the same group, day, time and YGT Coach. Workouts are equipment based, high energy and include cardio, strength and interval formats adaptable to all fitness levels.
Participants will experience 2 workout types each week, BLAST and POWER. All workouts are adaptable and can be scaled up or down to meet each participants needs for improved health and fitness.
BLAST – Blast workouts are total body movements that use multiple interval and timing concepts including AMRAP. EMOM, Pyramids, Reverse Pyramid, Tabata and more. You don’t need to understand what any of that means to participate – we will Coach you right through it! Blast workouts are created to increase strength, speed, endurance, agility, balance and cardiovascular endurance.
POWER – Power workouts are also total body targeting each muscle group and designed to strengthen the body through the use of heavier resistance training.
High energy workouts designed for the general population, adults ages 19 and up and adaptable for all fitness levels
Designed specifically for youth populations ages 13-15 and 16-18. Participants will experience our general population “adult” workout formats that will be scaled for the specificity of youth fitness and sport specific goals
YGT Silver
Designed with the Active Ager in mind. Workouts will focus on appropriate intensity levels, movement patterns and equipment use that will benefit and appeal to the Active Older Adult. Sessions will be adaptable to all fitness levels while maintaining a focus of improving balance, endurance, function, posture, strength, and FUN.
Alabaster – Melissa Barksdale mbarksdale@ymcabham.org
Greystone – Renae McCullough rmccullough@ymcabham.org
Hoover – Robyn Boatman rboatman@ymcabham.org
Mountain Brook – Susanna Vance svance@ymcabham.org
Pelham – Xiomara Ortiz xortiz@ymcabham.org
Shades Valley – Kaelyn Owens kowens@ymcabham.org
Trussville – Margaret McCullough mmccullough@ymcabham.org